“Special Edition”
Rage, disgrace, humiliation, unthinkable brutality, and betrayal partially describe the agony-filled hours experienced by our Savior at the hands of those whom He created and would soon die to save. Leaving Jerusalem and surrounded by Roman soldiers, Jesus was not prepared for a crowd.
With overwhelming fatigue, a crown of thrones pressed into his head, His clothing tattered, and his body beaten, He was forced to walk this road of blood carrying His cross. Relief only came when Jesus fell to the ground unable to continue to bear the load. Soldiers then chose a bystander to carry the cross to the place of execution…… Golgotha, the place of a Skull.
What about now? The holiday is almost over. How many of us are among the crowd lining that road of blood, and what are we doing…cheering or weeping? Annually the plans are made with extra time off from the job, extended time with the family and special food and activities. For some this is the “annual worship service.” God help us!
And then on with life? Oh yes some of the favorite hymns sung are, In the Garden, The Old Rugged Cross, and Near the Cross, and heard year-round. But why the cross? What is the reason for remembering?
Why take the time out if afterward it will be “life as usual”? I am speaking to myself as well!
I implore each of you to seriously evaluate where you are in your Christian growth. You may want to consider rededicating your life to Christ. Please pray for me as I do so.
I understand that bloodshed and violence is seen often in the media, so we as a society are accustomed to the above description but what is different? NONE of these individuals suffered or died that you or I might have the opportunity to live a quality life here, and later live forever! Eternal life is offered and promised by the Creator of the universe! Signed, sealed and soon to be delivered!
So, what is your choice? No scare tactics, but you know that tomorrow is not promised! Our world is in turmoil! Read Matthew 24! This is on my heart for each of you. The effects of your/my decisions (choices) today can very well affect our lives tomorrow and forever! Love means choice. Here are a few tips-not exhaustive-
1. Begin the day with Him. Be bold!! Decide to make Him first! Matt. 6:33 ( my dad’s favorite text) change your routine-Ask for His help…Luke 1:37…prayer, quiet time, and Bible study
2. Decide to look away from the crowd and to the only ONE who can make a lasting difference in your fight against your own desires, and those choices that take you to a dead-end street!
3. Choose friends from those lining that street of Jerusalem weeping and desiring forgiveness and a new life in Christ. And study the Bible together searching for truth as it is in Jesus!
4. Make a commitment to learn one verse at a time verse. Place it on several cards as reminders (the enemy wants you to forget) and place them at your bedside, on the mirror in the bathroom, in the car just below the mp3 player or radio dial or some place at work where only you can see it. (just suggestions)
So, what is His choice…the Cross! Submission and sacrifice and unending love! And He has already died for YOU! He is well equipped to keep you from falling.
Jude 24!
I offer the above in love from Him who is love! We at Grace Abounds look forward to hearing from you! The website and email addresses are below. Look for exciting changes soon!
Please remember that we are faith-based so your donations are much needed and we are grateful for each one. Also remember that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound!..Rom 5:20..Until next time-