When His promises catch up with our Pain

by | Oct 10, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
October 10, 2021

When His promises catch up with our Pain

A flurry of activity characterized the atmosphere as preparation was made for a longed-for family union! Members were flying from several different states all anticipating the joy of being together! As the planes landed and the bags were rolled out there were hugs and more hugs! Chatter and laughter filled the car, questions, answers, and more questions!

With the pandemic entering another stage more families are traveling many miles to be together. Whatever the mode of transportation the goal is the same: to share precious time, filled with stories and memories.

And then after the joy, comes the pain of leaving. Trips back to the airport, more hugs and ….. the leaving…. emotional pain. We more easily accept physical pain as real but emotional pain is also very real, even though the cause may not be as evident. Both can be very debilitating.

My family recently left after a “longed-for reunion. My little home was filled with laughter and memories flooded the conversations. Good food was shared, we worshipped together and played together. And then, they had to leave!

I did well at the airport, but soon thereafter the darts of loneliness pierced by heart and mind. I felt empty and the walls of my reality seemed to crumble around me. The pain was intense. I desperately needed hope!

Amid my despair, there was God! He gently reminded me of how He visited the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, was present with Daniel in the lion’s den, and showed John the new Jerusalem while he was exiled on the Isle of Patmos, just to name a few. And He was with me!

Whatever pain you are experiencing God has promises that are “pain-shaped”! There is a song titled,” He Was There All the Time” and it is so fitting for His desire is to comfort and strengthened each of us and He waits to be gracious! Is. 30:18 A few other scriptures that may be helpful are: Ps. 46:1, Mark 5:36, Joshua 1:9 and Rom. 5:2

May He continue to bless each of you. You are in our prayers and soon we will make available spiritual encouragement nuggets(SEN) designed especially for your on-the-go lifestyle! And so appropriate because Webster defines encouragement-to inspire with hope! –mini inspirational notes!! As these become available the longer inspirational notes will be offered monthly.

Please keep in mind that we are faith-based so the ministry is dependent on your faithful giving so that we can keep on giving! The options for giving are listed at our web address below. And remember until next time, that where sin abounds grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20

: https://www.graceabounds-ministries.com. Also another email address specifically for the ministry is info@graceabounds-ministries.com.


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