All is quiet as ears await the words that can change a life forever! The day of the verdict will arrive! At the center of every case taken to court is……evidence, the determining factor for the jury’s final decision. Evidence takes many shapes and forms and i usually negative in nature; but what if the evidence is positive and plentiful yet not enough? What if the eyewitnesses refuse to speak out, even though they see a wrongful conviction? What would you do? Such is the following true and powerful account, which took place over four thousand years ago. Listen in….
It was a day filled with excitement as over five thousand people gathered on a grassy hillside to hear a widely promoted speaker. It was said that no one else had ever spoken the way He spoke, with promise and power that could change lives forever! Some had already heard Him and wanted to hear more! The elderly, mothers with new babies, and parents with small children were all hanging on to every word!
One of my favorite authors wrote about that wonderful scene; she said as the Speaker looked upon the moving multitude, His great heart was stirred with sympathy. They needed to hear the words that He would compassionately offer to them, words of healing, gladness, and life! Long into the afternoon He continued to speak; the crowd soaking up the message of salvation.
Hunger forgotten until late in the day, this same gentle Speaker provided food for them, and a much-needed meal was given to each weary and hungry person. Food made available, miraculously, from only five loaves of bread and two small fishes. Amazing there was so much food left over that all were sent home with enough to share with others!
Miracles had not ceased for this loving Guide as He continued to heal and had even raised two men from the dead. What an outpouring of love, and yet, not enough. Later, many of this same crowd cried out for the blood of this divine leader. Yes, His name, is Jesus Christ! Sadly, this rebellious group did not want evidence of Christ’s innocence, but His condemnation. Evidence would not have been enough!
What about 2024? While it is yet fresh in your mind, is there any evidence of His footprints in your life, heart, decisions, family matters, health and relationships with friends? Was there enough evidence for a decision? Would you stand alone for what is right, with enough evidence? What is the verdict in the courtroom of your heart?
The one text that most can quote is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he have his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. Yes, it is wrapped in love. Why did Jesus even come? Look at John 3:17 “ For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved”. He desired that every person would be saved. How much evidence will it take for you to surrender your heart to Him and obey Him? In John 14:15, we find His own words, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. Love is at the center. These commandments show us how to live with love at the helm, for He is love! It is the only way to His big heart, love wrapped in obedience! Evidence…the cross-is it enough?
Next month, we will look at fire, do not miss it May 2025 become a powerful next step in your life toward moment-by-moment decisions to follow Him, no matter what the cost! When you step out for Him, there will never be a crowd, but you will never be alone! He is all you need and will be by your side and He will STAY by your side!
Here at Grace Abounds Ministries we are gearing up for another exciting year, closer to His coming. The agenda is full, including plans for opening a door that can lead to sharing the Good News in a new and creative manner. Look for more information in the coming notes!
Meanwhile we continue to need your help with prayers and finances. You are invited to visit our website, and there you can make a donation if you choose. Monthly donations, even in small amounts, are especially helpful for the budget.
Until next time please remember, that “Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound, (be seen more clearly), But where sin abounded, grace did (and does) much more abound! Romans 5:20