The Perfect Trip, The Perfect Price!

by | Jan 1, 2025 | Notes, 2024

Joyce Ann Combes
January 1, 2025
Traveling to a region of the country where they had never been their only option. Preparation would take weeks, perhaps months, but hesitation found no place in their hearts! With little to no support from those around them, these men pressed toward the goal, for they had seen a mysterious light.

What had happened? These men of noble and wise characters, were impressed to begin studying the heavens. And desiring clearer knowledge, they added the Hebrew scriptures to their studies and the protected prophetic writings available in their land. Here they learned of the coming Messiah. With their interest peaked by the light and what they had learned, the perfect trip was planned.

Eight hundred plus miles of night travel did not deter these dedicated followers of the light. Their faith only grew as they made extensive preparation for this momentous trip, for faith is the substance of things hoped for! Heb. 11:1

You no doubt know of whom I am referring…the Wise Men. Yes, and research tells us that at every pause during the trip, these weary travelers would pull out their Bibles and study, thus being filled with the Holy Spirit and inspired with hope for what would lie ahead! Study to show yourselves approved…2 Tim. 2:15
Think about what they encountered! Few knew of a king being born and no doubt would cast suspicious stares whenever they questioned His whereabouts. The travelers were even confronted with death when King Herod learned of their quest.

Determined to find this King, and full of faith, they pressed on toward the goal. Phil. 3:13,14 Once in His presence and greatly blessed, an angel directed the men to take a different route home. A route of safety. With joyous hearts and because of a Holy Spirit-engineered “perfect plan,” they had been successful!
Not only had they found the King, but the One who would someday pay the “Perfect Price,” the price required for the salvation of the world! The One who would be faithful to us, the erring ones! Lam. 3:22

Did you take a trip this holiday? Was He involved in the planning? How much praying did you do along the way? Any disappointments as sometimes happen when families are together. How did you manage them? Was healing {forgiveness} a part of the agenda? We know not what tomorrow will bring! Prov. 27:1 Will you see those family members again? Did you have to go home another Way? We are told in John 14:6 that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

He is all we need! And here at Grace Abounds Ministries we are so blessed by this truth. It is our ongoing desire to share this Good News through music and service. Since we are faith-based your donations support innovative programs, website updates, studio costs for new recordings and much more!

Thank you! And may we face 2025 with fresh hope and increased faith; for moreover the law entered that the offence might abound {be made clear}, but where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! (praise God) Rom. 5:20- Until next time…..

1 Comment

  1. Roxann Hall

    That is Such an Inspiring Message especially in these Chaotic Times. May We All Keep in Mind That God Is With Us in 2025 as He Was in 2024. Joshua 1:9. Thank God for instilling The Words of Inspiration in You! Love You!


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