A New Year is Here, and His mercies are new every morning! Lam. 3:22, 23
One evening as Max (my dog) and I were headed to a friend’s home, dusk was settling in and the sky was painted with splashes of golds and deep burnt oranges. I had to intentionally watch the road for that sky was not only drawing my heart but also my eyes!
As I commented to Max on the rich beauty covering the Western sky a song began to form my mind. I realize that last month it was a poem, but be patient there will not be another creation next month! The words tumbled into notes and suddenly I was singing a brand new message from my Heavenly Father.
I will share it with you at the end of this note. The words remind me of His faithfulness daily to each of us (Lam. 3:21-21) and how His coming is so very near. This promise in Lamentations has been special to me for quite some time along with Ps. 91:1, 2 . Look these up or find others that call to your heart and share one or two with me. I will be looking to be blessed by them! I was really blessed by what was shared with me last month!
And now for the song:
“A new year is here, a new year is here, Oh praise the Lord His coming is near,
He will protect us day by day, if in our hearts, close to Him we will stay,
A new year is here, a new year is here, Oh praise the Lord His coming is near!
Although very short, it continues to be a blessing to Max and me! Oh, and please remember to continue praying for the CD production. There have been a few challenges, but He has promised that we can be more than conquerors (Rom. 8:37). I will keep all of you updated. In the meantime, good news… where sin abounds grace doeth much more abound!! Rom. 5:20