The Dream, Possible!

by | Mar 1, 2022 | 2022, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
March 1, 2022
The Dream, Possible! Dreams are scattered throughout the Word and in a variety of situations where God is speaking to wise men, a family, and Joseph just to name a few. Dreams are not the only way that God speaks to His children, but when He does power and life changing direction impacts the event. And we are always called up higher. Let’s look at a few examples. Recently the world focused on the Christ child and in this simple, life-changing story God uses dreams in significant situations. The wise men were warned in a dream that they should return home a different way ultimately saving the life of our Lord. Matt. 2:8 These men had to recalibrate their allegiance! Mary was given a message in a dream that would change her life forever and then Joseph her husband twice…God used dreams! Sold into slavery, Joseph became known as a skilled interpreter of dreams. His interpretation of the dreams gave the then world vital information regarding seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. This dream would not only impact thousands of lives but brought Joseph’s family miraculously back together! Called up higher! So, what about you and what about me? Do you dream about something bigger than yourself? Just yesterday marked a month which reminded us of Martin Luther king’s, “I have a dream” speech of racial/people equality through out the world and medical scientists who still work and dream of eradicating heart disease, the number one disease- killer in the world for more than twenty years! Big dreams! Back to you and me. Regarding dreams, one pastor put it this way…dreams are personal, leading you, dreams will bring life into focus and dreams will push you past the mundane. God is big enough! Many years ago, He brought Grace Abounds Ministries into my heart, yes there was a false start, not enough finances, not enough time but the ministry, He was kept alive in my world. It was God’s plan! And almost 20 years later God used a young man who walked into the clinic where I worked and soon thereafter, I was meeting with my present manager, Skip Brown. The lesson don’t give up! Don’t be held captive by your fears. His perfect love cast out fear! I John 4:18 Joseph had not seen his brothers for twenty-two years! Don’t abandon the dream that God has given you! Draw closer to Him in Bible study and prayer give Him your heart. Remember that dreams from God will always call you up higher! Ps. 91:1 For He is coming very soon! Thank you for visiting our website and for your prayerful and financial support. We can only continue to serve because of you. And we would love to hear from you about the dream God has given you! The information is below. And remember, that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound..Rom. 5:20..until next time…. : Also another email address specifically for the ministry is


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