Summer and Salvation

by | Aug 12, 2019 | 2019, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
August 12, 2019

“The harvest is past, the summer is ended and we are not saved”. Jeremiah 8:20

The harvest is past and the summer is ended and we are not saved. Words from Jer. 8:20 Sometimes when I think of summer this text comes to mind and a sadness fills my heart. The Israelites refused to hearken to the voice of God and the summer ended. No more opportunities for salvation?

Opportunity brings time to my mind and I ask.. What am I doing with the moments that He has given to me to finalize the CD preparation? I have found I can do nothing of myself. One song is finished and I am struggling with the second one.

What about you?

How will the summer months end for you? Have you recently reviewed your spiritual condition? What is the cry of your heart? Yes, we all have sinned and come short (. Rom. 3;23) but there is hope!

He has promised to bear our sins and if we look for Him, He will appear without sin and unto salvation! Heb. 9:28

Let’s keep our eyes heavenward and on the author and finisher of our faith…Heb. 12:2 And all the while and until next time remembering that where sin abounds, grace doeth much more abound…Rom.5:20.


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