September 11, 2001 – Where were you?

by | Sep 11, 2023 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
September 11, 2023

It was a beautiful clear fall-like morning as many nation-wide made their way into the normal work, school, and other activities day.

Where were you?

The Hussle and bustle were not new, can’t be late, As hearts and minds looked to the unknown, so many not knowing they had a different date.

Where were you? 

Settling into those weekly environments so well known to all, The clock ticking moments nearer and nearer until that fateful moment of fall!

Where were you?

Those four planes carried ultimate death for all on board, Flying into pain, darkness and devastation, nothing to be restored!

Where were you?

The destruction was vast and overpowering, so many left with no way out. Numerous precious souls, helplessly catapulted into a smoke-filled drought!

Where were you? 

Suddenly the days were no longer ordinary, cries unending filled the streets, Church parking lots were full, many running to and fro desperate for peace!

Where were you? 

Now twenty-two years later and so little has been remembered, That fateful day, when so many lives changed forever, yes in September!

Where were you?

When asked, where were you, do you remember? Where I was , I do. As you think about what you were doing, where you were, begin something new.

As we approach year 23 since this unbelievable reality, commit to take a stand, Each day is a promise from the secret place on High, a part of His perfect plan.

Take that day and remember it may be the last for someone you talk to or meet.

Be intentional, reach out, pray, listen, smile and your days will be filled with memories complete!

His Mercies are new every morning! Lamentations 3: 22,23

Special Edition from Grace Abounds Ministries…Please visit our website below for more about this ministry designed by our Lord to serve and reach out to you and the world.

Prayers and donations are always needed and much appreciated. Blessings until next time remembering that the good news is still strong..Where sin abounds, grace does MUCH more abound! Romans 5:20


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