Prayer part 1: Roadside or Lifeside Assistance?

by | Jul 31, 2024 | 2024, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
July 31, 2024

Soaring temperatures seemed ignored as heavy traffic effortlessly climbed the mountainous highway. Greenery carpeted the mountains as the sunbathed every corner of the landscape. Enjoying each minute, I listened to the songs I must learn before I reaching what I thought was my destination.

Then I saw it! A black spot on the road, but too late to miss it. Reality changed abruptly! I knew too well, what I was experiencing….a flat tire!!

Fighting what I knew to be so, I quickly pulled off the highway. Oh God help me, I said aloud, can this be real? Attempting to accept the situation, I carefully opened my door not far from the speeding cars and made my way through the weeds to a place where I could see the tire. The evidence was bleak.

Calling roadside service seemed to connect me to the next step and a plan for reaching my destination. Although roadside service only added to the complexity of the situation. I had not seen road signs nor markers, only my GPS. As I read from it, the response, not enough information. This was repeated with no satisfaction. Oh God, I cried, what am I to do, please help me! I began to pray for someone to stop, someone to see me!

But the cars almost methodically seemed to be hurrying somewhere! The loneliness seemed to be closing in on my reality.

There was another woman, even though not alone, it seemed so. Her only son was dead and as the funeral train made its way to the final resting place, her grief was overwhelming. Yet God saw her!

Luke 7: 13 states that when the lord “saw her”, He had compassion on her and said unto her, Weep not”. He then touched the coffin, and all stood still! The outcome, an incredible miracle! That young man was raised from the dead and was delivered to his mother! Lifeside support beyond what she might have dreamed!

Back on the busy highway, with roadside service having failed and amid heavy fast- moving traffic, a little old truck pulled off the road into the weeds ahead of my car. In almost disbelief, I answered his question and he immediately went to work. Soon another truck pulled off and together the two men replaced the flat tire!

As I thanked them, realizing the Lord had seen me, they shared their stories about how God had recently entered and changed their lives, and they were “out to” help others! Lifeside support beyond what I had dreamed!

And for you, the same! He is ready and able! And please remember, He sees you! Roadside service is limited, but Lifeside from on High has no parameters! GPS is not needed, only calling on His name and He is there to do whatever it takes! Disappointment, Grief, pain, He is able!

Grace Abounds Ministries receives that Lifeside service, and you can be part of it! As you know we are faith-based so prayers and donations are much needed. Visit out website below and we pray you will be blessed. And remember that moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound (be made clearer). But where sin abounds, grace does much more  abound!! Romans 5:20  Until next time…..


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