Once in a Lifetime ….Eph. 3:20

by | May 2, 2023 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
May 2, 2023

Amazing, unforgettable, and obviously grounded in God! Meeting this incredible lady  was not by chance and ultimately proved to be life-changing!

It all began thirty-six years ago!  Upon meeting  her almost immediately I sensed a clearly fearless nature housed in a gentle and sensitive spirit. Visits, phone calls and prayer bonded our relationship. We could just sit and talk with no need for a special meal or a special place.

When we met, she, a creative psychiatric nurse, wife, and mother, was about light and love while she surrounded herself with opportunities to grow and serve. Innovation was ever present in her thoughts. She obviously loved the Lord and was ever encouraging others to think outside the box!

Over the years I learned so much from her words. The most powerful ones I recall are, “ to Cast all my cares upon Him, for He careth for me! ! Peter 5:7!  Remembering them infused peace amid my life when there were stormy and troublous waters.

Remaining focused with the bottom line always in view were hallmarks of her thinking. She was consistently listening for solutions. How best to help in the most succinct and concise manner while taking the path of least resistance!

Becoming a widow, found this resilient lady continuing her journey of love and life. A dedicated mother of twin daughters and a son, grandmother and recently a great grandmother, my friend always found time for each of them! Planning and organization were principles that guided her daily life.

As her health declined, and life unleashed challenges with intensifying fury, my friend and prayer partner clung to her Lord and the strength she knew that only He could impart. Then the day came, just last week, when weakness became overwhelming. My last talk with her was so truly special as we prayed together thanking God for His presence in our lives and acknowledging His perfect plans for each of us! . We spoke of our love for each other as sisters and said goodbye.

Once in a lifetime! And I will never be the same! All because of Jesus bringing this amazing lady into my life! And guess what, it does not end here! While she is now sleeping in Jesus waiting for that trumpet to sound, (I Thess. 4:13-18) I must now live on allowing her legacy to live through me to you and many others… A legacy of love and light! A legacy that clearly clings to the only One who can make sense of life here and prepare each of us for life with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven forever!

This lady was an intricate part of Grace Abounds Ministries (GAM), a board member, and full of ideas with an excellent writing gift! We will miss her greatly! You will read her work in the GAM devotional planned to come out in the near future. Look for information on our website.

And all of you….Look for those, “Once in a Lifetime” people or situations in your life. His plan is that all of us will experience Him in ways that will create a desire to know, obey, and  love Him. He loves you more than you can imagine!

GAM continues to need your support in prayer and finances…small or large ($1.00- 50.00 plus) or more and on a monthly basis is especially helpful for expenses. We are preparing for live concerts and more as Our new board is actively planning! (Click on the web address below to give) Thank you so much, blessings, and remember that ….where sin abounds grace does MUCH more abound! Rom. 5:20


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