Nearer Than When We First Believed

by | Sep 12, 2019 | 2019, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
September 12, 2019
“And that, knowing the time that it is high time to wake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed” Rom. 13:11

Hello to all,

His coming is nearer than when we first believed. This thought is from Roman 13:11 And oh how I am experiencing this reality. November flew by, holidays and life! The moments are ticking away. So, since there was not a news-note in November this one will cover both months.

Recently I learned an old song, “Are you Ready For Jesus to Come”? You may be familiar with it. Living in the words brought to mind another song…”Moment by Moment” again an old one, but full of heart- awakening thoughts.

And then I was inspired to pen the following poem in honor His birth and in doing so to stir hearts to share the good news that he came and that His second coming is nearer then when we first believed! I pray it will be a blessing. If so please email me with your comments and remember that where sin abounds, Grace doth Much more abound!! Rom. 5:20

Blessings as you enter the new year!

Should I go and tell?
It seemed an ordinary day
All the world was living in the usual fast-paced way!
Should I go and tell ?

Every moment of the waking hours
Running here and there, no time to smell the flowers!
Should I go and tell?

Cell phones everywhere were blinking
So many thinking- to others my life is linking?
Should I go and tell?

News from every corner of the earth,
Violence, disease, but who remembers this lowly birth?
Should I go and tell?

Then in a heart, maybe yours maybe mine,
Was it a light? Yes, and it’s beginning to shine!
Should I go and tell?

A thirst has been awakened; I must do my part!
What a change as I study God’s Word, He has given me a brand-new heart!

I know now that I ……. “MUST GO AND TELL”!

By Jesus and Joyce Ann Combes….12/19


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