“Love packaged in Brokenness”

by | Feb 27, 2023 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
February 27, 2023

She saw no other way to do it! To purchase the precious oil, this lowly maiden had no doubt given all. After careful planning, the day arrived and just ahead was the house. She must wash His feet!

A long journey riddled with hope, disappointment, hard work, being misunderstood, victory and even danger surrounded this dedicated servant. His decision to stand for truth, though the heavens fall had led him to a lonely prison cell waiting for death!

Success seemed to surround this busy monarch. The sky was the limit. Or was it? This king once known for being a “man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22) was confronted  by a respected friend. An unveiled sin sent David to his knees, begging and desperate for forgiveness.

What is your story? Did your decision to help someone take all your savings? What was the cost once it was known that you would not follow the crowd? How long have you looked good in your outreach to others, family friends, perhaps even church members only to find on introspection that your heart is filled with compromise, anger and self is on the throne.

The woman mentioned above had no name, but a desperation to show a deep love for her Lord. The servant, John the Baptist who in his humanness doubted who Jesus was (Matt. 11:11) and the King, David who repeatedly attempted to hijack God’s plans for his life. Ps. 51 tells the end of the story! All broken (earthen) vessels containing a deep love for the Lord.

Psalm 51 not only reveals David’s heart for his God but offers amazing hope for broken vessels as you and me! We too can surrender our self-enthronement to the One who will take control of our lives make us whole and empower us to stand alone in these last days!

This “love month” is almost over and I pray that the above has inspired you to a new or deeper relationship with our lord who is LOVE! Also as the days pass I pray that your “New Year’s” resolution is progressing as well as your commitment to following Him no matter what!. Mine has been struck by life but is back on track. Don’t give up!

Prayer and financial needs continue to be at the top our agenda. As this new year has begun, we are on the move with plans for the first board meeting, live concerts, a podcast and other exciting services for God’s children. YOU!

Again, those offerings, no matter the amount from $5 to $500 and more will be greatly appreciated! As the traveling begins that new Bose unit will enhance the musical presentations as the Gospel is shared.

We continue to have expenses and are so thankful for your support. Just click on the web address below to give. And be blessed by the music, notes and nuggets.

 As you face the March winds, remember He is greater and can give you the peace that passes all understanding! We are praying for you! Until next time …where sin abounds, grace does MUCH more abound! Rom. 5:20 Praise God! 


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