Love At Home Mothers…Special Edition

by | May 12, 2024 | 2024, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
May 12, 2024
A mother, made to give! Her preparation for this God-given role begins before she is even with child. Her character awaits this incredible life which will be influenced from inception until eternity! This group includes those who become mothers through adoption whether formal or informal. Mothers are not their own, but are always living for others, primarily their precious children. They live to give and give and give, with an endless store of love made- in- heaven and stronger than death! And their living faith is always operative! Heb.11:1 As I sat last evening listening to testimonies and songs shared in honor of mothers, I was so blessed by the powerful and loving memories held by those present, young and older in word and in song; From the prayers at bedtime, to feeding a crowd on what seemed like a crumb, to the value and standards set and kept in the home, to the mother seen as an angel being there to guide a needy child while treading a dark and treacherous pathway. I want to add that I watched my precious mother surmount challenges that life hurled her way. She was such a soldier of the cross and constant example of ongoing selfless love and godly determination. Her favorite text was, “God is our Refuge and strength a very present help in trouble.” Ps. 46:1 So many razor-sharp circumstances cut into our lives today. resulting in the ripping and tearing of homes and relationships. For real healing and repair, only a God! Last night one young man shared his story with tears of sadness and regret. He was unable to be with his foster mother when she was dying, desperately desiring to say, “ I am sorry, I love you.” The mother, being the center of the home and the hub of the wheel, is often in the midst of difficult settings, but nothing is too hard for our Lord! Whether you are the mother or a family member in a demanding situation with the mother, we serve a big God. He is waiting to work with you as you call upon Him. You might need to talk with a pastor or a counselor. I will be praying as I send out this special note. And remember a mother is not an author, artist, sculptor, or musician, but she has been called to, with the help of God, develop in a human soul in the likeness of the Divine! Thank you for spending some time with us today. We pray you have been blessed and perhaps some powerful changes will come about because of our time together with Him!! A side note…Grace Abounds was part of special Mother’s Day service yesterday 5/11in Roanoke, VA. The site on You tube is Roanoke SDA church. The service was streamed. We continue to serve and count on each of you for prayer and financial support as the new recording will be finished this summer and the website facelift is in progress. All of this requires funds. Again, you may give by clicking below. Until next time, please remember that “moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounds, grace did much more abound:” Romans. 5:20


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