Lessons from the Leaves – Ps. 65:9

by | Dec 2, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
December 2, 2021
Lessons from the Leaves – Ps. 65:9 Leaves, leaves everywhere! They can’t be ignored. During the Fall days these multicolored bits of plant material quickly cover the landscape summoning work, but also inviting beauty! But what else? Taking a closer look at leaves exposes the life-giving and intricate aspect of a growing organism. These simple yet beautiful attachments to trees and plants partner with the sun to provide nutrition through a specially designed system. A Divine system! Leaves remain faithful until the shadows lengthen and the temperatures fall, then their true colors are seen!! Yes, the chlorophyll, green color, begins to break down as the tree or plant begins to store food for the winter and the leaves are no longer needed. As these gentle food factories float to the ground on fall breezes, they become full prey to boots, leaf blowers, hoofs, and paws. Refusing to be discouraged, they become part of the soil that nurtures new plants, trees, and lovely flowers! Lessons-simple yet profound—lives lived for Christ… 1. ….cannot be ignored as patience and longsuffering shine as sunlight!..Gal. 5:22 2. ….exhibit a beauty seen in acts of kindness and in sacrificial giving. Eph. 4:32 3. ….partner with the Son to serve and offer others the Bread of life. James 2:26 4. …. choose to be faithful knowing that He will guard and protect His faithful ones. Prov.2:8 5. ….are willing to give all that others may experience the joy of a new hear. 1 John 3:16-18 May these lessons be a blessing to each of you as you allow Christ to enter your heart and abide there. We pray for you! This abiding will protect and guide through the coming holidays no matter the challenges. . I invite you to look up the texts and find others that apply. And check out our website (see address below) for tips to help you through the holidays. Please remember that we are faith-based, and donations help keep the ministry moving! Until next time, truth filled with a promise- that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20 : https://www.graceabounds-ministries.com. Also another email address specifically for the ministry is info@graceabounds-ministries.com.


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