Lessons from on High

by | Aug 1, 2019 | 2019, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
August 1, 2019
….”……….and forgive our debts, as we forgive our debtors….” Matthew 6:12

Hello to all!
Yes, the last day of the month, and what a month it has been! You will not receive this note until August first and as I glance at my calendar, I am amazed at the opportunities God has given me to share the good news! From neighbors to many folks I have not yet met who were in attendance at the Hartland summer Conference (Campmeeting), from a man who was asking about my dog to a gentleman I met at work, all golden moments arranged by our wonderful Father in heaven to focus hearts upward!

Certainly, my experience at campmeeting, while it was very, very warm (in the triple digits) the Holy Spirit cooled the spiritual environment for my heart and my mind were filled with new ways to minister to the broken and extend forgiveness bathed in humility and meekness! And was my heart ever redirected toward heaven! Have you ever found it difficult to forgive when you knew you were right? God has the answer in the prayer He taught His disciples in Matthew 9-13.
Finally, as I listened to how effective steps taken patiently can help mend broken hearts my mind travelled a path called, Grace Abounds Ministries! One of the goals is that this music, His music, draw God’s children to a quiet place where His gentle, yet powerful life-giving love may wash over them changing and renewing.

Now as the musical message from the CD takes shape and until next time remember: that where sin abounds, grace doth much more abound!! Romans 5:20


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