I just Can’t do it!

by | May 31, 2023 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
May 31, 2023


What comes to your mind when you think of planes and paratroopers? Yes, war, bloodshed, fearlessness, hope, surrender, just to name a few! We have just celebrated another Memorial Day when minds are again turned to those who have defended our land allowing a measure of peace and security for a while.

So, could it be with life? When you awaken each day and step to the door (morning), does the ground seem far away, the jump close to impossible, and the enemy is waiting! Thoughts fill the mind, “I just can’t do it”!

Approaching 21 % of this nation’s population have been diagnosed with some type of depressive disorder Diagnosed by a medical professional. And many of the warning signs of possible suicidal feelings are also signs of depression.

Basic to the mental/emotional need of life is love. And that is who God is …Love! And this is why He sent His only begotten Son to die. And He would have done this, even if you were the only one on this planet!  

So how does one prepare for this jump, called life? Because you can do it!!! Here is a suggested plan that can make all the difference in the world! Remember as we choose to follow the Greatest Commander that ever lived and will live, we become soldiers of the Cross and followers of the Lamb!

Training on the ground and loading that parachute: Talk to Him as soon as you open your eyes ask for the following-they are promises. He is a promise-keeper and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

Ps. 34:17,18 He will hear your cry and deliver-2. 2 Cor. 7:6-He will comfort you, 3-Is. 41:10 no need to fear-4. I Peter 5:7-/cast all of your cares on Him, because he cares for you-5.Jer. 29:11 He has the perfect plan for your life-6. Prov. 3:5-6 you can trust Him 7. Ps. 23 even if it seems you are in a valley of death, He is there! Rom. 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Decide to obey His commands, here is protection no matter how far the distance or where the enemy might be lurking once you are on the ground!

Time to jump: Quiet time, prayer and study have prepared you. As you float to the ground, He is ahead of you taking the blows and giving you every word and thought no matter the circumstance. Memories of your precious time with Him will flash into your mind including ….for the Joy of the Lord is your strength .Neh. 8:10 just when you need them!

This is a heavenly formula for a successful daily jump!

And it is again time to say so long until next month. We are so grateful for your prayers here at Grace Abounds Ministries. The new board is getting into gear after the death of one of our dear members. Stand by for the new plans!

Your financial support is also needed as God leads. Remember those monthly gifts, whatever the amount. 1 or 5 or 10 dollars are so helpful as they help us plan. A dear lady just began this plan and it is such a blessing. Click below to visit our website and/or to donate.

Thank you for your patience last month regarding the process for getting to our website (a computer glitch). And that good news…where sin abounded grace did much more abound!! Rom. 5:20


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