Grateful Anyway!

by | Nov 28, 2023 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
November 28, 2023

No boredom! Excitement had filled every corner of this trip! Faith was at an all-time high! This mission team had left the U.S and would eat Thanksgiving dinner in route to the location on another continent! Even though away from our own families, this determined little group was taking shape and becoming an inspired family of God! My daughter and I were honored to be a part.

Simple, but tasty food was available for all. Truly a memorable Thanksgiving fare; And eaten in a hotel room! The atmosphere felt heavy, mingled with anticipation and anxiety. A sense of “let’s get started” was all but written on the walls of that make shift dining hall!

At last, packed into an aged pick- up truck we were on our way to rendezvous with team members, prepared housing and the location for the health and education classes we were to teach. Time seemed to stand still as anxious feelings mounted. While the open-air ride was unexpected, at least we were in route! And grateful anyway!

Finally, we arrived at the assigned homes, unpacked our bags and were off to the location where the classes were to be held. Challenges tumbled into our lives. After a few days on site water was not available and the whole project had to be moved.

This move was not simple. Not just items but families. For the students were allowed to bring their children to the training school where activities had been planned for them. This provided a family atmosphere, but also challenged the food supply! Grateful anyway!

At every meal, the children ate first, and the adults finished what was left. In this country the death rates for babies and children were extremely high, thus this practice. It soon became obvious to me that the food left for the adults was not enough to produce that “ full feeling” to which I was so accustomed. And so, meal after meal, there was not enough food. Grateful?

As we became immersed in teaching and service to the community, I forgot that I was not full! Working with these special people removed so many feelings of self. I was engulfed in giving and had All of the energy I needed with some left over! Ask my daughter and grateful anyway!

What were you thankful for last week? What are you thankful for today? Is your “full feeling” dependent on how much you receive or how much you give? He is the only one who can satisfy your soul and give you the peace that passes all understanding. The Truth that really sets you free! John 8:32 Will you allow Him inside? Never ever a regret!

Grace Abounds is again on the move! I presented a well-received concert in Houston, Texas in October and my guitarist, Nathan and I offered music for the Master this month before one hundred football players!

More is on the drawing board! What a God we serve!

Your prayers are being answered! The ministry just contracted with a virtual assistant who is well prepared to support and assist GAM 2024 plans, His plans!

You are a part of this team, heaven led, and your prayers and donations are very important. Jesus is coming so soon, He is he Truth that sets you free and what a time to remember that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20 You may click below to see the web site and give as God leads! Until next time!


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