God, a QR Code and a Thankful Heart!

by | Nov 25, 2024 | Notes, 2024

Joyce Ann Combes
November 25, 2024
Rays of sunshine bathed the earth as I finished packing and checked my to do list. Had everything I needed, I thought… Anxious to head toward the train station I soon was in the car, had prayer and was on my way.

Glancing at the time, I felt a sense of control, for I was early and should have extra time to sit and watch other trains, which I always enjoyed. Insidiously the traffic grew heavy, and a strange sense of disappointment washed over my mind but was quickly gone.

Then I saw it, the parking garage! As I neared the gates, I could hardly believe my eyes! “Closed” the signs read! My mind began to race as I quickly sought another parking area. There it was and closer to the train. Prayer began to take a front row seat in my mind. “Call upon me and I will answer thee.” Jer. 33:3,

As I drove in, immediately I began surveying my surroundings, how was I to pay? A Q-R code, oh no! My experience with these codes had not been positive, however I would follow the directions and move forward. Working to ignore the earlier feelings of disappointment, I glanced at my watch, thirty minutes and the train would leave!

With the clock ticking, I walked to the Q-R sign and followed the directions repeatedly without success. I quickly approached one of the employees to double check the departure time. The train would leave at 4:30, it was 4:05!

I hurried back to my car for another attempt, unsuccessful. Now praying aloud! I approached an older gentleman desperate for help, but he too did not understand the process. Then I checked another gate to the lot, but the ticket machine was broken. I hurried back to my car and saw a young man whom I asked if he could help. “Oh, I came on my bicycle, I am sorry. He said.” Lord, I prayed, what will I do If I miss this train? My family member is leaving in the morning for vacation, and I am to watch her place while she is gone. But Lord, I know your power I will not give up! God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. Ps. 46:1

Almost numb now with disbelief but storming heaven’s gates with spiritual violence, I turned and there was the same young man on his bicycle. He stopped and said, “maybe I can help.” More than gratefully, I uttered, “you will”? Handing him the phone, I shared what I understood the required process to be.

He went right to work, and I continued praying. By faith I began taking things from my car in preparation for boarding the train. Now it was only 10 minutes and the train would leave!

As I turned, he handed me the phone and said, “you are all set.” I thanked him with tears of joy and relief, got his name, and told him I would never forget his great act of kindness while handing him a book on the life of Christ.

Hurriedly I boarded the train and immediately it began to move!! Oh God, you, a QR Code, and me, a thankful heart beyond description! Knowing then anew the power of God, how true are the words, you are my Rock, my Fortress, and my deliverer! 2Sam. 22;2

Grace abounds Ministries exists to remind each of you that He is able to do abundantly above all that we may ask or think…Eph. 3:20 During this season of thanks and beyond, allow this blessed reality to live in your heart!

And please remember that Jesus is coming soon and sharing His love and power is our work! -Being faith-based we are dependent on prayer and your giving so that we can continue to serve. With an updated website, radio spots beginning soon, a USB in process and other projects on the front burner, finances are very much needed. Won’t you take a moment to visit our website and give?

Monthly donations of any amount are especially helpful in supporting our financial base. Until next time as you give thanks remember that moreover the law entered, (that Law of love and liberty} that the offense might abound (be more clearly seen) but where sin bounds, grace does much more abound ((praise God!)! Romans 5:20.


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