Gate C 36 – Departure to an unexpected, Life-Saving Return Part 2

by | May 28, 2024 | Notes, 2024

Joyce Ann Combes
May 28, 2024
Yes, it is Memorial Day, and I am thankful to be here! Soon you will find out why. We are remembering those who gave their lives so that freedom, which is not free, might be experienced in our everyday lives. While we are still climbing that freedom mountain, may we remember that the ultimate freedom will be found in knowing Him who is the Truth that sets us free! John 8:32 Last month we started our story and spent some time looking at separation and parting and how it can affect family members, whether from a reunion or in death. Bible texts such as IThess 4 13-17 and Rev. 21: 4,5 loaded with promise and love were offered for thought. Now for the end of our story. The unforgettable vacation/reunion had ended and many of the family members were home safely. I am now waiting in the termainal for my flight, and after changing seats and hearing someone humming, I meet a special lady. She and I find that we had much in common, ministries, families, a love for music but most importantly, a love for the Lord. Ultimately, we pray together and are greatly blessed. God working!! Finally, our flights are called and as we near the gate, we speak of hoping to sit near each other so we can continue our conversation, but it was not to be. However, we were only one row apart. Once in the air we began talking to those close by. And all went smoothly until 45 minutes before landing. I distinctly began to feel uncomfortable, but it was difficult to pinpoint . I stopped talking and just tried to relax. As I did so the discomfort intensified and suddenly there was a burning sensation that quickly spread over my upper body as if fire were inside! I could not speak and suddenly it happened, I became extremely ill and was unable to speak, growing weaker and weaker. Those sitting close by along with plane staff quickly came to my aid along with a medical professional. What was happenng…Was I going to die? My mind was flooded with thoughts, yet I could not speak…my daughter, my daughter I thought and cried out to God inside! As we landed, I was helped off the plane to an emergency vehicle. I still could not speak, but I could hear, and these words resounded in my mind and heart., “Joyce Ann I am praying for You”…A strength grabbed my heart and mind, and with all the energy I could muster, I sensed HOPE! Next, I remember being lifted from the stretcher onto a bed in the Emergency room in more pain than I could describe. So much is a blur, but the team was very supportive and administered treatment based on my symptoms. Among the possibilities, a heart attack, after many tests, “food poisoning”! My newfound friend had quickly contacted my daughter, because of our earlier conversation, and my daughter and a friend were soon on their way to the hospital driving miles through the night! His plans are perfect, and tomorrow is not promised are my words to you! He had me change seats, meet a bold Christian lady, who prayed and acted to support me, including contacting my daughter. This reminds me of the anchor spoken of in Hebrews 6:19- We have an anchor of the soul (Him )steadfast! God’s work at “Gate C-36”! Please take hold of that “ anchor of Hope” today! And let us pray for each other as we are living in these last days. Grace Abounds Ministries is preparing to launch innovative programs and since we are faith based we need your financial support to keep the GAM wheels rolling! Just click below to learn more and to give as God leads! Remember that moreover the law entered, that the offence (sin) might abound (seen) but where sin abounds (praise God) grace did much more abound! Romans 5:20 Until next time…. by His grace!!


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