From Ignorance to Anchoring

by | Oct 4, 2022 | 2022, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
October 4, 2022
FROM IGNORANCE TO ANCHORING Sadness enveloped the whole country as unbelieving news swept from coast to coast. Yes, it was true, the president was dead! Stricken with a grave illness that took only a few days to claim its victim. Valid attempts were made to save Mr. Washington’s life, but all were ineffective in arresting the course of the disease. Headlines the morning following his death stated that the nation’s head received the best care that human knowledge and skill could devise. Ignorance is defined as lacking knowledge and information. God knew it would be a reality and winked at it. Acts 17:30 Of course, today knowledge has increased in many fields, and the impact is seen world-wide. However, so much is yet unknown. What is happening in your life? How long is your list of unknowns? You are waiting for a diagnosis; or word about a job you desperately need. Questions like, how can I get into college? It may be your child who suddenly cannot walk; for others, an exceedingly difficult relationship or suddenly your spouse has made another choice. It could be that your friends do not come around anymore. Like ships tossed to and from by storms like Ian, these unknowns splash through your hearts out of control with no help in sight! And the stress mounts! But look across the waves of doubt there is another ship not moved by the raging winds, but steady in place! How can this be? Let us move closer……What is its secret? As we draw nearer, we discover, it is anchored! How do anchors work? There are diverse kinds of anchors. Their work is to hold and or slow the movement of the boat in swiftly moving water. They function to keep the boat out of the surf and away from the rocks. As the winds blow the anchor digs into the seabed even deeper, holding at all costs! At all costs! That is what Jesus did for each of us…He paid it all! As the unknowns seem to darken your life Christ, the light of the world, will protect you from the strong waves and sharp rocks. How? As you invite Him into our heart and the storms come, and they will, He speaks peace. Just ask Him and decide that He will be your anchor. Recently I had to move out of my house. With no warning it was a must for my health’s sake. No options! What do I take, where do I go? Questions flooded my mind and He spoke peace. I am yet in the boat and the waves are high, but He is here with me, as He will be with you! Trust, invite Him in and He promises to anchor!! I still do not know what the culprit is, ignorance, but I do know that I have an anchor! Moment by moment He is keeping me, and He will keep you! This ministry is alive and growing because of you! Please pray and ask God what you can give to this, His work? It might be $5.00 or $50.00 or more!. You are also welcomed to give monthly the same amount or more as He speaks to your heart. He is coming soon and there is yet much work to do! Just go to the website, address below, for the giving option. Thank you ahead of time for your gift to help prepare the exciting devotional in process and other projects in the mix. Where sin abounds, GRACE does much more abound…Rom. 5:20. Love to all! —— until next time!!! :


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