Faith in Tight Places – Part 3

by | Mar 2, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
March 2, 2021

Faith in Tight Places – Part 3

Taken captive as a prisoner of war, this teenager was never to see his family again. What would the future hold, how long would he live? Many questions flooded his mind.

As this young man’s story unfolded the challenges appeared as mountains impossible to climb, yet miraculously he, with three friends, scaled the jutting cliffs. They held tightly, not just to the rope that seemed to be their support, but to the unchanging hand of a powerful and present God, their real support!

His name, Daniel and those mountains took many shapes and forms from cultural undertows to public scrutiny to a lion’s den; However with eyes riveted on Christ, he repeatedly displayed faith in extremely tight places!

Any new tight places emerging in your life? Housing challenges, relational issues, illness, finances, keeping food on the table, temptation to compromise can be added to the list. The same God who delivered Daniel from the mouths of hungry lions and can deliver you, from the mouths of preying circumstances. The pandemic is still alive!

So if you feel you are also living in a different culture, you are. COVID-19 has carved into our realties but just as Daniel, attempting to understand his new world wholly depended on God, so can you! A simple prayer, “Help me Lord” is enough to invite angels that excel in strength!

He loves you and it is His plan that you be saved. See 2Peter 3:9 and Eph. 3:20 for He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think! And remember that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Rom 5:20

There were technical difficulties in the last NewsNote regarding the virtual concert. Again we apologize and have worked to correct that. The following link should take you to the site, but if clicking on it does not work then hover over it, hold down the control key and click on it –a successful alternative.

We so much appreciate the prayers and the donations as God moves on your hearts. Grace Abounds has a new much needed piano because of a donor’s generosity!

The process for donating via PayPal is as follows:

Log on to PayPal select “send money” under options

choose phone and add my number: 540 238 1520 then the amount desired choose account, finalize and click on “send money”.

God bless each of you!



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