Beauty, Freedom, and the Wind

by | Mar 27, 2022 | 2022, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
March 27, 2022
Beauty, Freedom, and the Wind Growing up in a midwestern state made for perfect kite flying. And windy March was the month we children looked forward to! With no thought of storms but hoping for wind! We would build or purchase these cloth, paper, or plastic- covered frames with attached tails. As we ran in the field with Daddy cheering us on, we hoped for a current of wind that would lift the kite, and suddenly it would happen! I felt the tug and soon this multicolored quadrilateral would be flying high in the sky! Moving the string/cord would give the kite direction and encourage lifting. The more elevation, the more excitement! All the while it was mandatory that I never let go of the string. More than once sadness filled my heart as I realized that in my enthusiasm I had let go and sorrowfully watched my kite disappear into the white fluffy clouds, gone! Looking back, I remember the beauty of the colorful diamond-shaped frame floating lazily on the air currents and then would suddenly dart upward as if free to move at will. All of this was made possible because of the wind. The wind was not seen, nor felt but heard and quite evident. So it is stated in John 3:8. “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whiter it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit!” How powerful and what a parallel to the beauty, freedom and the wind spoken of above. When one is born of the Spirit worship is precious and can be done in the beauty of holiness. Ps. 29:2 And there is the desire to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his temple. Ps. 27:4. In first Peter we are encouraged to cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in! As the kite rides those air currents, freedom appears to be at the wheel. And for the one born of the Spirit in Christ own words in John 8, “If ye continue in my Word, then are ye my disciples, indeed; And the truth shall make you free. He continues in verse thirty-six, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!! And lastly, the change of heart, the desire to worship and the desire for freedom all happen because the heart’s door has been opened to the Holy Spirit! That wind spoken of is in John 3:8! Please Do not let a moment pass with out asking Him to abide in your heart and life. And then do not let go! When letting go of the Kite, it floats away, but with Christ He stands ready to enter your heart again. Revelation 3:20. It only takes an invitation and by faith He will come in with beauty and freedom! Search the scriptures, pray, and share what you are learning! Do not fear Daniel and Revelation. These are books for this time. If you have questions, contact us and we will be happy to study with you! See email address below. We are living in the last days of this earth’s history and time is precious! Visit our website (address below) and subscribe. We also gladly accept donations which enable us to continue to serve you. And remember that July of this year marks our fifth-year anniversary! We are planning to make exciting announcements soon…so stand by! We love you and are praying for you! Until next time, the Word tells us that where sin abounds, Grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20 : Also another email address specifically for the ministry is


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