A New Life, Just Ahead? part 2

by | Feb 28, 2024 | 2024, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
February 28, 2024
Journeying from the East Coast invited unknown mountainous terrain on what I thought would be a smooth path. While rain kept my attention, sunny days infused hope and encouragement. God was ever present and the new Bible truths I had been searching for were preparing me for a new life, just ahead! In fact, His presence transformed heaping unknowns into peaceful places of rest and icy winds into warm breezes. Finally, my roommate and I had settled into an apartment and even had heat for those cold wintry days. Then transportation issues began to loom on the horizon. My vehicle had to be repaired because while parked was hit by a drinking driver. The date was set for repairs to be finished, when I received the message, not yet. My thoughts raced. My roommate worked a different shift and public transportation was not available in that area at the time, what will I do? My faith began to unravel. I was unable to see ahead, almost as though confronted by fog and a dead-end street. Have you ever felt as though you were facing a dead-end street? Reviewing your journey, thinking all was well and wondering which turn was the wrong one and how would you get back on track? Where would you go next? I am reminded of Saul as he journeyed to Damascus and suddenly there was a light from heaven, and he fell from his horse. His life was to never be the same again! Three days without sight. A dead-end street? Acts 9:1-22 But not so for Paul or for you or for me! Only the beginning of an incredible new life just ahead! You no doubt know the story of Saul who soon became Paul and lived a life for Christ as no other man has! And for you? Why not? Christ is no respecter of persons. (acts 10:34) He gave His life for “whosoever would believe in Him” John 3:16 And His truth makes one free! John 8:32 New life! That truth will change your life forever. It changed mine! Prayers were answered and soon I would take the most significant public step of my life, baptism! That moment when, as Jesus did (Matt. 3:13-17), I went down into the watery grave, I suddenly I began to experience life as never before. That new life that was just ahead! New life in 2024 changes how you see and respond to the world. The problems still exist, however you have become a growing overcomer and more than victorious! Romans 8:37 You will anew see Him dying on that cross and understand as never before that it —-was for You! Your greatest desire will become to love, obey and follow Him. John 14:15. There you have it! And a part of that new life He has for me is Grace Abounds Ministries! I am so thankful that you have decided to join us. Let us hear from you! We pray that you will have peace in the storms of life as you decide to follow Him and serve others, the real path to joy! Ps. 16:11 The GAM family welcomes our new virtual assistant who is already blessing the ministry! The special board has met, and plans are being made to extend the Good News of the Gospel to an ever-widening audience. Please remember that we are faith-based so the donations are a real source of support to help keep the GAM wheels turning, especially now since we have a new person on staff“ And as the law entered, the offence abounded, but where sin abounds, grace does much more abound!”! Romans 5:20 Love to all and until next time…..


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