Traveling to a region of the country where they had never been their only option. Preparation would take...
Follow the Star, right where you are!
(In this poem the Star represents Jesus, the light of the world; John 8:12) “Follow the Star, right where...
God, a QR Code and a Thankful Heart!
Rays of sunshine bathed the earth as I finished packing and checked my to do list. Had everything I needed,...
Choice to Destiny–Unbelievable Power!
Choices, Choices, so many choices; what to do, where to go. Better check the weather, should I rush out now...
Prayer part 3: Your Season of Change
Fall is here! The leaves are turning colors, the temperatures are cooling, and the days are growing shorter....
Prayer part 2: In School / But Danger at the Door?
Rhoda was young and her work was hard in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. Their city streets had...
Prayer part 1: Roadside or Lifeside Assistance?
Soaring temperatures seemed ignored as heavy traffic effortlessly climbed the mountainous highway. Greenery...
Gate C 36 – Departure to an unexpected, Life-Saving Return Part 2
Yes, it is Memorial Day, and I am thankful to be here! Soon you will find out why. We are remembering those...
Love At Home Mothers…Special Edition
A mother, made to give! Her preparation for this God-given role begins before she is even with child. Her...
Gate C 36 – Departure to an unexpected, Life-Saving Return Part 1
The vacation/reunion was more than I had prayed for! Preparation was filled with planning: dates that would...
More Than We Could Carry! 1 Peter 5:7
How much can you carry? What would limit your desire? An old back injury, extra weight, or added years? I...
A New Life, Just Ahead? part 2
Journeying from the East Coast invited unknown mountainous terrain on what I thought would be a smooth path....
A New Life, Just Ahead? part 1
It had been a long journey for me punctuated with struggles, disappointments, beauty, and growth, but the...