Prayer part 2: In School / But Danger at the Door?

by | Sep 1, 2024 | 2024, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
September 1, 2024

Rhoda was young and her work was hard in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. Their city streets had become increasingly dangerous since friends had been arrested for their beliefs.

The household was abuzz with many coming and going. This evening Rhoda had been given an important responsibility, to keep watch at the gate of the home! No one was to enter until they gained permission from the owner. Staying at her post, refusing to leave, this young lady was busy listening, waiting, and obeying!

August is back to school month for children, and young people across our nation who will be trained to stay at their post. As they return to the classroom, what will confront them? Changes, challenges, and emotions may be at a fever-pitch, perhaps not just the students, but the teachers, and workers as well.

How will the coming generations respond to mounting violence, fractured families, gender issues and increasing loss of life? These young people must be prepared to stand at the gates of life with great accountability. They are the future of our country/world! Courage will be no option!

Suddenly this young lady heard a familiar voice. In disbelief she ran to a group of adults who were praying and attempted to get their attention. She was told to leave, for they were busy….praying! Unwilling to give up, she desperately approached them again and plead for their attention. Persisting, she was finally allowed to open the gate for Peter.

The scripture states that when those praying saw Peter, they were astonished, and he shared how God had brought him out of the prison. What an answer to prayer. But they were praying!

What is your prayer life like? Is it difficult to stay awake at times? Do you find yourself watching the clock? Is your phone close by in case a call comes? Prayer is talking with the God of the universe, spending time with the One who made you and died so that you might have eternal life!

Then, believing that He answers prayer. Peter miraculously walked through those prison gates! God’s promises are real, and you will experience the faith required to trust Him no matter how long you must wait. He is faithful. Lam 3:22,23

Rhoda represents many young people who need our ongoing prayers. Danger is at the door and school is open again. God is a prayer-answering God!

Grace abounds ministries also ask for your continued prayers. We are in our eighth year of service! The website changes are finished, radio spots are in process, a YouTube channel is in the planning stages and vocal appearances are being booked.

Being faith-based, your financial support is of immense importance. Any amount is extremely helpful! At the website follow the instructions and click on donate, to give. Thank you so much!

And until next time remember that “Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounds, grace does much more abound.” Rom. 5:20.


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