How much love is enough?

by | Dec 31, 2022 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
December 31, 2022

Headed home! The words resounded in the young soldier’s mind. At last, the war was over, the plane was about to land, and he would be hearing the long-awaited voices of Mom and Dad!

Almost shouting into the phone, his parents heard,  “Mom, Dad, I’m coming home.” They too were extremely excited. The young man quickly added, but I have a favor to ask.” He explained that he had a friend with him that he would like to bring home as well. “Sure, they replied, “ we would love to meet him.” He hesitated a bit then continued to share that the friend had been hurt badly in the fighting , he had stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg and had nowhere else to go. And the son wanted this young man to live with them.

The parents said they were sorry to hear this, then responded, “ maybe we can find somewhere else for him to live.” The son said , “no, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.”

As the conversation continued the parents explained the burden this young man would be to the family and how they had their lives to live. They then strongly suggested that their son forget about this friend.

At this point, the son hung up and there was no communication for a few days until the anxious parents received a call from the police in that city. News parents dread hearing, “your son is dead!”

There had been a fall and they believed it was suicide! The grief-stricken parents flew out to identify the body. They recognized him, but to their horror, they also discovered that their son had only one arm and one leg!

Questions like shooting stars seem to come from nowhere! What was their relationship, could they have talked more? How much love is enough? During a season when all is to be  merry and bright, how much love is enough? Jesus came to give his life and all of His love!! From the cradle to the cross! What about you and what about me? How much are we willing to give?

 2023 is almost gone and as you take careful inventory, how much of your love is left on the shelf of your heart? We are surrounded by people who look different than us, dress differently, are not as much  fun to be around. Yes, it does take effort and stepping out of our comfort zones or interrupting our favorite video games, but the dividend could be a life!

Inconvenience is such a small price to pay. Pray for opportunities to be called out your norm and into a world of giving. A world where you will lose the sense of better than, different than and gain a sense of giving and loving as only He knows and can perform through you.

Grace Abounds Ministries (GAM), a faith-based ministry, desires to be God’s tool available to you and for you! As our new virtual assistant comes on board next month, the 2024 calendar will be full requiring more prayer and financial support. Large or small amounts will make a positive impact and help keep GAM active in God’s vineyard.

We, at GAM have been so blessed partnering with you this year!. May God continue to fill your heart with His love such that it flows over into the lives of those with whom you have contact!

You may click below to give or visit our website. And remember that where sin abounds Grace does much more abound!! Rom.5:20….until next time!


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