Your Choice, Your Path

by | Oct 31, 2023 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
October 31, 2023

The class waited with growing excitement, what would the teacher ask them to do? Then came the assignment. Many years ago, a certain man found a land traveling my ship and the teacher wanted each student to draw the ship!

She settled back in her chair after the announcement and questions knowing that this would take time! Unbelievably, in a couple minutes a student stood at her desk. In disbelief she prepared to answer yet another question or clarify the assignment. But no, He was finished and prepared to show his drawing!

As he placed the paper on her desk, she struggled not to take it too quickly and impatiently looked for the drawing. But she saw nothing! She scanned the paper on both sides. By this time the student had grown impatient and was anxious to show his work.

She turned to him and was about to ask, where is the ship, when he pointed to a dot on the paper. She said, somewhat exasperated, that is a ship?? He with confidence answered, yes, it is just far away!!

Does this remind you of your relationship with Jesus? It is there, but just far away? Insidiously this distancing becomes real and suddenly we no longer hear His voice or sense His presence, until……

I had an experience with a life situation that I found was insidiously softening His voice. I was beginning a brand-new nursing job and was anxious to get started and meet new people when I was approached by one of the workers asking me to join the team for a Halloween party. She shared what I needed to wear and the food I should bring. At that time, I had done some research on Halloween, a holiday with growing popularity, but needed more information and had not thought much about it for some time. I decided it best to say, “no thank you”.

My research journey really began then and what I discovered was that I had taken a middle of the road position. Accepting some aspects of this celebration, innocent fun, but had not dug deeper to find why was it “trick or treat” or why around death, cemeteries, and darkness!  And I had also forgotten to connect this reality with the Word of God!

As my study continued, I found that the Christian world took different avenues. Some groups became involved with parties, some middle of the road and others were not involved at all.

What about you? Is His voice clear to you? Are you studying to show yourself approved a workman…2Tim 2:15. I have such a measure of peace since I made my decision about Halloween based on the Word of God! I now know what I believe and why.

 I encourage you to let nothing or no one become a barrier to His voice and your relationship with the one who died that you might have eternal life.  Do your own study, follow Jesus, not the crowd.  Remember He is about life and light, for He is the light of the world! John 8:12

It is that time again! And Grace Abounds is on the move! I had the privilege of singing in Houston Texas last week which was well received and will be sharing on a local college campus next weekend.

 Next month important decisions will be made regarding our team and plans for 2024! And you are in the center of this activity!  We need your prayers and, as God leads, donations of any size to help keep the ministry wheels turning!

Below you can click on the buttons to visit our website and also donate as God leads!

Until next time, blessings as always and the good news.”…where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20


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