Victory in the Garden!

by | Mar 31, 2023 | 2023, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
March 31, 2023

Excitement filled the air! Springtime had arrived and thoughts of gardens flooded many minds. Plans to purchase seeds, plants, soil and tools topped daily agendas and one could almost taste those fresh tomatoes, garden salads with that favorite dressing and those mouth-watering herbs making those summer recipes just perfect!

The soil preparation, a very important step, includes fertilizer, removing rocks and tilling which help build an environment for success. Then those tiny, but powerful seeds are planted! Seeds that will refuse to stay buried, demonstrate resilience far beyond understanding, and find life-giving nourishment in the sunshine and the rain. As evidence of life appears just above the soil, the war begins! Weeds, bugs, birds and disease all can take a significant toll on a promising garden!

Memories fill my mind, and I can still see my precious father preparing the soil for our very large garden. Hand tilling, applying fertilizer with sweat falling from his brow. We children knew what our jobs would be. Pulling weeds, harvesting and helping mother prepare food for canning. And in the end it was more than worth what seemed to be great effort! Victory!

No excitement filled the air as a small and sad company made its way to another garden. This small piece of land, called Gethsemane which means a place where olive oil is pressed, is located just outside Jerusalem. Not unfamiliar to our Lord for He often visited there for meditation and prayer.

As agony burdened our Savior, He instructed all but three of the disciples to wait and pray near the garden gate as He with Peter, James and John, who had been with Him on the mount of transfiguration, entered the garden. And the war was on!

These three were asked to pray as the Savior entered into combat with the forces of evil. Three times He found them sleeping. Defeat seemed imminent as He sweat great drops of blood. Counting the cost, you, and me, He made His decision! Victory in the garden!!

Christ heart’s soil had been prepared! From the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8) to sitting at His mother’s knee. Preparation continued through ongoing arduous work in the carpenter shop to long days spent healing, serving and loving. He gave it all. There were also long hours praying, meditating, and communing with His Father in this very garden! All in preparation for dying, for you and for me!

As we soon we will be reminded of this garden experience where the blessed Hope was made possible, what are your thoughts? What about your heart’s soil? New decisions, increased faith regarding a family situation, or surprising forgiveness you never thought possible? With Him all is possible! Luke 1:37 Hold on to Him and don’t let go until you are blessed!!

Grace Abounds Ministries continues to be blessed. We do need prayer for our producer who had to be hospitalized recently but is on the mend. Prayers are greatly appreciated.

And the GAM board is up and running! A committed group! We are also preparing for live concerts with new songs on the horizon!

We still need you! We are here because of you! Just recently we received a precious donation from a 90 year old supporter! No one is too old or young to support God’s work! Whether one dollar monthly or one hundred dollars or 1000 dollars it all a blessing and needed! See website below in order to give. There has been a change in the address. I apologize for this time you may have to type in the address. Thanks for your patience!

Until next time, remember where sin abounds, Grace does MUCH more abound! Romans 5:20


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