Grace in Twenty-Four days!

by | Dec 31, 2022 | 2022, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
December 31, 2022
Seated in a darkened theater, the little girl sat with pounding heart as she waited a glimpse of her mother! It seemed like time had stood still since the day she learned that her mom would be performing this miraculous and amazing work.

Handel’s Messiah often performed at the time when Christ birth is celebrated, came about because a gifted musician had been forbidden to perform music with religious overtones in public places. So, he decided to write a work for concert performance in church settings. Hence, in just 24 days without getting much sleep and very little food produced a life changing work that has for years been performed in churches, concert halls and via media world-wide!

Back to the theater, as the curtain rises, that little girl takes a deep breath and strains to find her mother’s face. Then suddenly, there she is!! And the music begins!

Wide-eyed and on the edge of her seat, this little lady listens as if to drink in every sound. The words tell of the birth of the Savior, the crucifixion and redemption of mankind and the Christian’s victory over death. Truly a salvational message reminiscent of Peter’s sermon in Acts. They that gladly received his words were baptized: and the same day there were added to the church about three-thousand souls!

What about you? That salvation message is available to all. He came as baby in lowly circumstances, to grow up and live a simple life as a carpenter in service to all he met. The goal, to give His life for you and for me! He was the perfect sacrifice and the opportunity for us to have eternal life. Matt. 1:21 Have you made that decision? If not, today is the day! John 3:16

Too soon the performance was over, and a tired but happy little girl and her family headed to the lobby to meet mother. Someday she would learn the history of this miraculous work and she, herself, would perform in it as did her dear mother.

I know, because I am that little girl and I have been tremendously blessed being a part of the Messiah, first heard when my mother, Grace, performed in this 24- day miracle!

Let us hear from you! Any Messiah experiences? We continue to work on the 2023/24 projects! A Devotional, GAM merchandise and more!

We are only able to continue our ministry to you because of your prayer and financial support. Again $5 to $50 and more as God impresses your heart and monthly giving is very helpful. Just click on the web address below. Giving is easy.

We are praying for you! 2023 is very close and we are closer to His coming! Until next time remember that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Rom. 5:20


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