Grace in “Wet Paint”

by | Aug 29, 2022 | 2022, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
August 29, 2022
Grace in “Wet Paint” Time was running out! The check marks on my to do list eased my mind, but the forecast did not! Company was coming and room by room the house was being prepared, but outside, that was another matter. The paint project hung over my head like a looming dark cloud holding buckets of rain. Speaking of rain, this was the challenge and one far beyond my control. Thinking I had an opening per the weathercaster, I sanded off rough edges, filled cracks with putty, as my brother patiently directed, and went to work. Finished, I quietly celebrated, and hoped for no rain until those steps had dried completely! Glancing at my “to do list” I quickly made my way into the house to continue the inside projects when I heard the forbidden sound. A cloud burst and sadly I watched the paint being swept away leaving scattered white patches of putty…a truly ugly site! Many plan painting projects for those warm summer days in July and August. Days which are thought to be safe because of hot temperatures with little to no rain. Not the situation this summer! Have you ever had just one page left on that important paper when suddenly no power. Lights went out from a surprising summer storm. Or important morning calls planned only to find that your phone did not charge overnight. Perhaps an overdue bill notice and you discover that your account is overdrawn. Where is the hope? It is close by!! Meanwhile with only a few days left, rain was on man’s agenda until the weekend! As the hours diminished to forty-eight, I was beginning to panic and cried out to God for help! A still small voice whispered, stop looking at the forecast on your phone (rain for the next two days) and open your bible to my promises-the real forecast! As grabed my phone from habit, I laid it on table and chose God’s Word. A sense of peace surrounded my heart as I opened my Bible turning to Jer. 33:3, and then Luke 1:37, and then Eph. 3:20:21,on and on, there were more than three thousand. Certainly, enough to get me through this painting project and deepen my faith! Looking at the sky, the clouds seemed to disappear, the temperature rose and there was a delightful breeze. I quickly reassembled the needed equipment and dug in. Keeping an eye on the sky (oh ye of little faith), I again performed the preparatory steps and began painting! Finally, all done, and the weather was still “perfect painting weather.” I had not only found the hope but experienced it! Grace amid wet paint? Could it be? There was no rain for three days! I invite you to experience this, His grace. You do not have to stand in line or get the app for your phone or have find a certain link. He waits to be GRACious to you! And Grace Abounds Ministries desires to serve with you hope, inspiration and His love! As you know we are faith- based which means your prayers and financial support s keep this ministry alive and sharing the Good News~! Our web address is below. There are new pictures with additions being planned that will, we pray, broaden our opportunities to reach many more of God’s children! Let us hear from you and until next time, what comfort to know that where sin abounds grace does much MORE abound! Rom. 5:20 : Also another email address specifically for the ministry is


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