“Max” – Special Edition

by | Jul 31, 2022 | 2022, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
July 31, 2022
“Max” – Special Edition The call came, but I was not ready! Still desperately looking for an emotional bridge, a connection, my time had run out! It had not seemed that long since we had to put our beloved pet, Prince to sleep. The words from my excited daughter “Mom, I have the dog, come home” pierced my ears! Longing for extra miles from my friend’s home I drove with thoughts whirling and prayers ascending. All too soon, I was pulling into the driveway, still not ready! Then I met Max, a truly special pup, and that emotional bridge became real and I crossed it! He was such a happy dog, tail wagging with a big smile on his face. I soon discovered that Max’s big smile and love overflowing was not to be seen at home only, but for all he met, accept cats! We would meet hikers on the trail and Max would approach them, tail wagging and they would look puzzled, and I would say, “Its okay he thinks he has met you somewhere before and they would smile and share a kind word. The whole neighborhood knew Max, people and animals too saw that big smile! As we would near another family out walking Max would begin his greeting, big smile, and wagging tail! He did not like ending a walk and always wanted extra time! Max’s favorite activity beside trail walking was car riding! If he suspected a ride was being planned, he would become excited and the moment he was released from his tie out, the car was his target! Quickly he would jump into the back seat and climb toward the window so he could see out and take in all the surrounding smells! At a recent family reunion Max was the center of attention. He was involved in many activities from walks to yard activities to inside Bible study time! Once the music began, he would bound into the house looking for his rawhide and listening for his favorite song and a story. He would always lie still during closing prayer! All loved him! Life was full of variety for Max. Weather permitting, he would keep watch outside the church on his tie out during prayer meeting and wait patiently for a special walk near the local pet clinic. Another opportunity to see people and enjoy exciting smells! Max gave and gave and gave! Sadly, last week we had to say goodbye to this precious and wonderful companion. Never to be forgotten by many, especially me and my special daughter. She found Max at a “Kill shelter” 11 years ago and God gave us the opportunity to save his life and experience many unforgettable moments. This edition has been a tribute to Max! Truly a gift from God for our family. So often God’s love was exhibited through our special pet. I wanted to share this with you. All may not be able to connect with the experience, but I pray it will be a reminder of God’s care for each of us and that it is His plan that someday soon He will come for us. John 14:1-3 Grace abounds Ministries has new projects on the front burner please pray for us. We are faith-based and are only able to continue to serve as you support us with donations and prayer. We pray for you and desire to bless your life! Let us hear from you if your have a pet story. Below is another email address and the website that will give you donation instructions. Until next time remember that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! Romans 5:20 : https://www.graceabounds-ministries.com. Also another email address specifically for the ministry is info@graceabounds-ministries.com.


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