On Eagles’ Wings

by | Sep 28, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
September 28, 2021
On Eagles’ Wings Unbearable heat, hot and dry air with certainly no sign of rain is not an unusual experience in the well-known Mojave Desert. But what is that in the sky? Far in the distance a black dot appears and slowly a shape unfolds. It is an eagle in the desert where hardly any animal can live-but the eagle finds a way! Hot and dry characterizes more than 38 % of the United States in 2021! By the US Drought Monitor the present drought is moderate to exceptional! In fact, since July the projected estimates are that the 2021 drought will likely finish among the worst 3-5 drought years in the past 1200 years! This picture makes a significant impact on everyday living for many. Health and safety are at risk. Water is rationed which means that sanitation and hygiene are greatly influenced! And more disease may be on the horizon. For others it is not a matter of drought but flooding! Heavy rain and fierce winds often come with flooding. Rainfall has significantly increased not just in the United States but world- wide. Another altogether challenge…too much water! And where is the eagle amid fierce winds and heavy rain? The Eagle unlike other birds does not head for shelter but flies into the wind and rain ultimately rising above the storm clouds. This powerful bird is referred to in scripture 34 times, more than any other bird, and its characteristics are impressive to say the least. The eagle is swift, Deut.28:49, powerful, Prov. 30:19, chooses to live up high Ps. 91:1 protected from enemies and, is dedicated to its young. In Exodus 19: 4 God refers to himself as being like an eagle. He States, “ how I bare you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself” referring to the release of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. And today God will bare us up and release us from the slavery of addiction, codependence, depression, and fear just to name a few. I invite you to spend some quiet time in Psalms 91, here He becomes very personal. Look at verses one through four. His deliverance power is clearly seen yet He is quick to refer to His feathers and wings, extending softness, comfort, and protection. So, whether you experience a storm of nature or a storm within your home. The challenge may be relationships, or a battle within your own heart, God knows and can deliver. His plans are perfect, and that deliverance may be for the time here or for the place He has prepared for us! John 14:1-3 You are on our hearts here at Grace Abounds Ministries. Whatever the storm, please know that you can call upon the God who created the eagle! You are welcomed to find peace at our website…We have new additions and the address is below as well as a second email address. The ministry is faith-based, so love offerings are appreciated. And remember that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20 Until next time…blessings! : https://www.graceabounds-ministries.com. Also another email address specifically for the ministry is info@graceabounds-ministries.com.


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