September 12th-Life after the Loss

by | Sep 12, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
September 12, 2021
September 12th-Life after the Loss The tears began to flow as one member of a grief support group shared that she has lost her child but had never given herself permission to grieve. She had stated earlier that she came to this support group for a friend who had experienced a loss. She had really come for herself! This acknowledgement clearly impacted the group. And others were very supportive and some cried with her. This step had made her grief real and had to be dwelt with. The atmosphere took on a sense of peace. Grieving is often stuffed and a decision is made to deal with it later, but when is later? The longer it is put off the more difficult to work it through. In leading grief support groups like this one I have and found that many have grief unattended or not finished. What about you? Whether you lost someone in 9/11 or another tragedy or for a very different reason, loss is loss and must be acknowledged. Denial as an initial feeling is protective, however other steps need to be taken in time so that one can return to health and balance. There are support groups, grief counselors, Pastors, and chaplains who can be very helpful. Here are some real challenges and tips that may help you or a loved one process and grow through these necessary emotions. (1) Remember you are not alone even though at times you will feel very much alone- allow a friend just to sit with you. Let others into your world. (2) You may feel disorganized, forgetful, guilty-be patient with yourself-now is not the time to take on new projects- (3) You may have difficulty sleeping, eating-choose to walk which will help with sleeping and work to eat small, balanced meals-fresh is good- (4) One may feel anger at God the person who died, caretakers etc. This is not abnormal. Letting go can take time. Accepting reality that the loved one has died, especially when the death is sudden. Understanding that life must go on is a part of resolution. We have many promises in the Word. And remember Jesus lost His friend Lazarus and He wept. John 11:35 He knows how you are feeling and will not forsake you! Heb. 13:5 last part- I Corinthians 15:54,55, John 3:16 and Romans 5:8 just to name a few! And we here at Grace Abounds have you on our minds. 9/11 may unearth many sad memories in you heart and God understands, and we are praying for you! We invite You to visit our website for some encouragement and support. Until next time, remember that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20 another ministry email is:


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