Pride Drowns, on a Hot Summer’s Day – Part 1

by | Jul 18, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
July 18, 2021
Pride Drowns, on a Hot Summer’s Day – Part 1 Summer vacation at last! This promised to be a special trip as we planned to visit family in central U.S. After getting an early start and making good time we felt proud. Then it happened! A strange engine sound in a car just recently purchased? How could it be? I was proud of this new, to us, vehicle. A steep hill was just ahead and unfortunately, we never made it to the top! As the power quickly seeped from the engine, I worked to steer out of traffic and to the roadside! With no gas stations nearby, we prayed for a friendly and safe person who could make a phone call for us. No cell phones in those days. The sun was hot, and our water supply was low. Soon a car stopped and before too long with still some water left, help was on the way. As we rode in the truck with our car in tow, I cried out inside as I recognized the houses and the road signs, Lord, we are going in the wrong direction! The wrong direction, these words rang repeatedly in my mind! Has it ever happened to you? It seemed that all was in order and life was in control and you were closing in on planned goals when the words of the doctor rang in your heart- a diagnosis you never thought possible or suddenly you lose your job or a parent or a child! The wrong direction, Lord! Life is full of unknowns and preparation for them can only be made by living in Him and His Word! Spending time each morning talking to God, studying the Word and taking time quiet time with Him is a sure recipe for those daily unknowns. When I think of sudden catastrophe, Job comes to mind, a good and upright man. One of my favorite authors shares…referring to Job…He was shown his own weaknesses and taught to lean upon Him who is the only help and safeguard. In Ps. 91:4 David says He will cover you with His feathers. It sounds like a soft landing! And remember He never leaves nor forsakes! In the next Note the journey continues and pride is ultimately sent underwater! In the last note changes were mentioned and they are in process, but not yet completed, stay tuned. We have begun a presence on Facebook and Instagram and as you are impressed, we are a faith-based ministry, and your donations are welcomed. The website has the needed information, and the address is below. An alternate email address has also been added. We continue to remember you in prayer and your prayers for the ministry are very much needed. Until next time. Where sin abounds, His grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20 : Also, another email address specifically for the ministry is


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