Hope on Father’s Day

by | Jun 20, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
June 20, 2021
Hope on Father’s Day It was a tragic experience! The family was at a loss after the death of Dad. But little did they know that God was preparing a special package that would begin a healing process that would continue during the upcoming Father’s days. Sometime later A friend called the family to ask if they would like a puppy,” Oh no, no, not now” was the response. Then they learned that the mother had more puppies than she could nurse and this one might die if help could not be found. So, they decided to visit this little “dog family” and once they met the tiny one struggling to live, there was no hesitation, their hearts had been captured, they would take him! Accepting the bundle, off the family went to purchase all needed supplies for life and love. Food being so important, the children would sit for long hours holding that tiny bottle as this small ball of fur attempted over and over to get those required calories for life/growth! So much hope in the hearts of this family. Because of his love for smooth peanut butter, the children named this now growing and energic puppy, Skippy! Even though at times seemingly so close to death, Skippy has consistently been a bright and shining light in the life of each family member. How are you doing this Father’s Day? So many emotions can crowd our minds. Perhaps you feel forsaken, He will take you up (Ps. 27:10). Whether you have good memories or sad, He has made provision to offer you peace and His great love. Perhaps you need to forgive, (Luke 23:34), to heal (Jer. 17:34) to be patient (Gal. 6:9) or just to rejoice (Phil. 4:4). Whatever your need we have a God who has promised to never leave nor forsake. (Heb. 13:5 last part). So, 19 years later, Skippy continues to amaze this special family. Displaying some of that same energy he showed as he struggled to live as a newborn. His “human” mother now a widow for many years, with a light in her eyes shares,” He is a miracle, and he is the only one of the litter who is still living!!! Allow God today to surround you with His peace and everlasting love! He is still in the miracle-working business! Have a miracle you would like to share, email us at the address below. And remember that where sin abounds grace does much more abound! Rom. 5:20 If you have not had a chance to visit our new website the address is below. You will find music, GAM history and other interesting items about the ministry. Also, as God leads, we are faith-based and always appreciate donations to help support upcoming projects. A Devotional is in the mix!! God bless all of you, we love you and pray for you! : https://www.graceabounds-ministries.com. Also, another email address specifically for the ministry is info@graceabounds-ministries.com.


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