Out of Darkness-life!

by | May 9, 2021 | 2021, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
May 9, 2021
Out of Darkness-life! Thunder bolts rolled through the dark sky like roaring jets at takeoff. . Then a sheet of lightening split the darkness. The rain was torrential and the wind relentless. I huddled with my siblings and mother under the dining room table for safety. Spring storms were not uncommon in our area, but this one brought a rare intensity. When would it all end, my young mind whirled! Mother worked to keep us calm then suddenly all was quiet. The family looked at each other wondering and waiting for the next earsplitting clash. But it never came! As Mother, with flashlight in hand, made her way toward the front door we heard the voices of neighbors. It must be over we thought walking outside toward the road. Suddenly, out of the darkness a voice, “Stop, go back”!! Mother turned us around just as we were about to step onto the highway. One of the neighbors was running in our direction. Loudly he commanded,’ Stay on that side” . And then we saw them….electric lines down in the road just ahead of us and we learned that they were “live”! Numb at first, then a creeping realization, we could have died! A Miracle! Out of the darkness…life! The pandemic like an intense storm has made its way through darkness and left in its wake, live wires! What do these live wires look like? We quickly think of the physical aspect of COVID 19, but what about the mental? One writer said, “there are no ventilators in a mental health center”. Live wires in the forms of old addictions may creep back into one’s life, because loneliness and isolation can leave feelings of overwhelming desperation. But interventions (a plan for change) can positively impact emotional storms. Yes, ask for assistance through your care provider and Telehealth may be an option. One simple choice that can be done at your own home to help strengthen your resolve is walking with a friend in the fresh air. A powerful and foundational strategy is to call upon the “Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of peace”! We can ask Him for help at any time! Here are a few texts: John 14:1, “Let not your heart be troubled..”, Rom. 8:26, “Likewise the Spirit helps in our weakness..”, John 3:16, “ For God so loved the world…” claim them and hold on the one who can make you more than a conqueror!!..Rom. 8:37 Again, we want to hear from you! Comments on the thoughts or answers to prayer are welcomed! We continue to pray for you and need your prayers! The new web site below has all information and also offers opportunities for donating. Until the next time, remember the promise… “Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Rom.5:20. : https://www.graceabounds-ministries.com. Also another email address specifically for the ministry is info@graceabounds-ministries.com.


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