He Is the Light of the World

by | Jun 24, 2019 | 2019, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
June 24, 2019
In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you[, I go to prepare a place for you….” John 14 1:2

Preparation, What Does it Take?
First an apology is in order! During the month of May, you did not receive a news-note from Grace Abound Ministries. No excuses, only reasons! I had family visiting and was very, very busy with preparation! As I think back, I placed a number of projects on hold in order to be ready!

This reminds me of John 14:1-3. He is indeed preparing a place for us! The perfect place where we can spend eternity with Him. And we must also prepare! How prepared are you? How are your plans coming? Remember Matthew 6:33? Placing Him first is the only way! This powerful principal has hit me with great impact recently.

I have found that my preparation but must be practical, consistent and totally selfless! Busily moving about the house, I recall not thinking of myself, but only of my family member. A simple but profound lesson!
May God help each of us to loose ourselves in preparation, for to live is Christ and to die gain. Phil. 1:21.And remember where sin abounds, Grace doeth much more abound Romans 5:20…Until next time!


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