Inspirational Life

by | Apr 28, 2019 | 2019, Notes

Joyce Ann Combes
April 28, 2019
“And now abideth faith, hope, chairty,these three ; but the greatest of these is chairty (love)1 Cor. 13:13

Love, First- Hand

So many definitions have attached themselves to this word, love. No doubt each of us have our own thoughts and these thoughts are fueled by our own experiences.
Recently when I attended the Hartland Spring Convocation I was confronted with, love, first- hand! This kind of love is pure and while it is embedded in 1 Cor. 13, it originated in John 3:16. This love is willing to give all and is packaged with great sadness yet joy unspeakable! And the convocation messages, love, first- hand, called me to:

(1) Remember I cannot give away, what I do not have (His sacrificial love).
(2) Be willing to heed the call to go for Him, whether to the other side of the world or next door to my neighbor. (the great commission Matt. 28:20)
(3) Exercise self-control regarding technical devices that surround our daily lives and negatively impact our relationship with Christ.

This experience was a revival for me! I was forced to be introspective and urged to make a decision regarding love, first hand! Bitter-sweet, yes, an imperative, yes, now, yes! I was not aware that I was attempting to give away what I did not have! He says through David in Ps. 63:1 to seek Him early and I have found that there is no substitute for a full tank of spiritual gasoline to begin every day.

And that full tank of spiritual power can prepare us to be willing to go wherever he leads. The song, ” I Will Follow Thee my Savior” includes whatever life holds and whether situations are dark and difficult, He has been there before us and His blood and grace are more than sufficient to not just lead but actually to carry us.

His perfect love is woven throughout the tribulations. In Ps. 63 :3 we are reminded of His lovingkindness and that it is being better than life! There is that word again…love! And from Him it is definitely first- hand! First- hand also means there is nothing between us and the Lord! Not a television, a tablet, a video game or a cell phone can be allowed to take His place! Take a quick inventory of your life and any of these devices and answer this question deep down in your heart, how prominent are they and how much time do you spend with them.

I invite you to pray for a deeper experience, a first- hand experience with the Master and you will never regret this decision. First- hand love cannot be duplicated and only comes from the One who has never lost a battle!
Until next time remember where sin abounds, grace doeth much more abound. Romans 5:20


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